There are a variety of reasons that women seek out breast reduction and/or breast lift surgery in Long Island, oftentimes related to post-childbirth, post-weight loss, or aging complaints. Fortunately, these procedures and other associated treatments are highly effective in addressing patients’ concerns and restoring or enhancing a more youthful and appealing upper body contour. Beyond that, breast reduction and breast lifts can be used to relieve physical discomfort and add to a patient’s daily quality of life.
The highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY are experts in the field, having performed countless Long Island breast lift and breast reduction procedures. Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev employ their vast knowledge and experience to provide the highest level of patient care and service, placing an emphasis on addressing each patient’s individual concerns and specific goals for the surgery. During an initial consultation, your Long Island plastic surgeon will take the time to walk you through every aspect of the procedure(s) and answer all of your questions.
Do I Need A Breast Reduction Or A Breast Lift?
Many women begin their cosmetic surgery journey knowing that they need “something” done to enhance their breasts, but they are not always sure which procedure is best-suited to their situation and ultimate goals. This is another reason why that selecting a competent and knowledgeable plastic surgeon in Long Island is crucial to realizing a successful outcome. The team of experts at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery can help determine which procedure or combination of procedures will best help you achieve the look you are hoping for.
A breast reduction is typically best applied to situations in which a patient has a large amount of excess volume in the breast area. This can consist of breast tissue, fat, and skin. During a breast reduction, the plastic surgeon will remove an appropriate amount of each of these, reducing the size and volume of the breasts and breast area. Many women also enjoy a more lifted appearance after reduction surgery. One of the main benefits of a breast reduction surgery – aside from a more pleasing overall shape – is the instant relief of physical discomfort and daily limitations. The extra weight in the breast area can lead to poor posture, aches and pain in the neck and back, trouble sleeping, difficulty breathing, limited mobility and activity, and more. Through breast reduction surgery, these symptoms can be alleviated virtually overnight.
A breast lift, while also an efficient tool for enhancing a woman’s upper body contour, is not the same as a breast reduction. During a breast lift, the breasts are reshaped and repositioned using several different techniques, including the removal of excess skin which contributes to sagging or droopy breasts. However, no actual breast tissue is removed during a breast lift as it is during a breast reduction. A breast lift is usually most valuable for women who have lost breast volume or have sagging breasts following breastfeeding, weight gain/loss, or simply due to aging. In many cases, women opt to have a breast augmentation at the same time as a breast lift.
While breast reduction and breast lift are two different and unique procedures, they are often used together as part of a Long Island, NY mommy makeover procedure or together as a combined breast procedure. The team of skilled professionals at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY will evaluate your individual needs and help determine what course of action is right for you.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Breast Reduction Or Breast Lift?
Fortunately, most patients can be considered eligible for breast reduction and/or breast lift regardless of their age. Some of the more important considerations in determining whether a patient is a good candidate for breast surgery include:
- Overall health: It is imperative that a patient is in good health, is a non-smoker, and has no contraindications to surgery before undergoing a cosmetic surgical procedure.
- Lifestyle/weight: Before undergoing breast reduction or breast lift, it is important that patients have maintained an ideal and stable weight for at least six months. Significant weight loss or gain following the procedure can compromise the results and lead to the need for subsequent surgeries.
- Childbearing status: It is recommended that patients wait until they are done having children and breastfeeding before undergoing breast surgery. The fluctuation in weight and breast volume that are associated with pregnancy and nursing can also greatly compromise, and even reverse, the results of your surgery.
Is There Any Scarring?
As with any invasive surgical procedure, some scarring is unavoidable, and it is important to go into the surgery with realistic expectations. However, the expertly trained board-certified plastic surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery take great pride in their ability to skillfully and strategically place incisions in a way that will reduce and sometimes even eliminate the visibility of the resultant scars. By placing incisions under the breast crease and in other inconspicuous areas, scars can usually be easily concealed with clothing and even underneath bras and swimsuits.
It’s Time to Get Started
The most important first step in a Long Island, NY breast reduction or breast lift procedure is to be evaluated by the team of board-certified plastic surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY. Call our office today to schedule your consultation, and learn more about how breast reduction, breast lift, and other procedures can help give you the body you have always dreamed of.